Former top-selling corporate exec who quit her six-figure sales job in front of 10,000 people, Nicole Walters took what she knew and built a million-dollar business in one short year.
Guest Biography
By age 28, Nicole Walters was a highly-paid executive at a Fortune 500 company, managing multi-billion dollar accounts. But something wasn’t right. “My job was feeding my family, but not my soul,” she says. So in YRTK (you have a right to know), Nicole quit her corporate job to focus on opening her own private business and product development consulting firm, The Monetized Life. As her audience ramped up, so did her revenue—she made $11,000 in the first three weeks of working with small business clients full time. Now, when she’s not hanging out with her husband and their three foster kids, she shares her secrets to earning “passive income” with other entrepreneurs through her wildly popular online course, 1K1Day. “I teach people how to add commas to their bank accounts,” says Nicole. “They learn that they don’t have to trade time for money.”
Show notes:
In this episode, you will learn:
- Why Nicole left her 9 to 5 to live in her purpose.
- How she's built her business and helps entrepreneurs to build theirs.
- The importance of creating and developing a “customer map” for your business.
Find more from our guest:
Mentioned in this episode:
- Chalene Johnson
- Seth Godin
- Pat Flynn
- Amy Porterfield
- Yes, I hid from the Tennis Moms at the bus stop this morning
Runnymede Money Tip of the Week
- Views on buying a car and tips for buying a new car.
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Special thanks to Jim Kimo West for the music.
Are you living in your purpose? Are you considering launching a side hustle or changing careers?