Make your nest egg work smarter
with a clear financial plan
Retirement shouldn't bring worry and uncertainty
The #1 retirement fear is running out of money.
Will you be able to generate income and manage through market volatility or a bear market?
Not sure how timing of social security benefits could impact your retirement income?
Get professional help with a financial plan and ongoing process
Get professional help with a financial plan and ongoing process
We understand financial decisions can be overwhelming
Our fiduciary advisors have helped clients prepare for and thrive in retirement. Everyone has different goals and situations so we adhere to a planning process that provides more clarity.
Working with a financial advisor is a partnership. Not only do we work together to create a plan and investment strategy, but we can set up monthly transfers to your checking account, check requests, and handle charitable distributions.
We'll create a plan and process working together toward your:
Peace of Mind
Living Well and Giving Well
Our Firm
As a fee-only advisor since 1993, Runnymede’s priority is to do the right thing for its clients. Our goal is to deliver personalized advice, planning, and investment management to meet your goals and objectives. Runnymede offers well-researched investment strategies that emphasize long-term growth and asset protection.